Growing in faith with

Community groups
& Ministries

Sunday School

Community Groups

Student Ministry

Children's Ministry

Women's Ministry

Sunday School

We offer Sunday School for all ages following the worship service each week. Adult classes focus on sermon discussion, doctrine, or topics that help us connect the Gospel to our daily lives. Middle and High School students focus on the essentials of the Christian faith and what it means to follow Jesus in the world. Younger children have a focused curriculum that takes them through the entire Bible.

Community Groups

Community Groups help us build and deepen relationships of love, trust, encouragement, and prayer with one another. Our community groups meet regularly for fellowship, sharing, study, and prayer. We have a variety of community groups that meet throughout the week. If you are interested in participating, please let us know.

Student Ministry

Our ministry to Middle and High School students is meant to connect our students together in relationships and to help incorporate them into the broader life of the church. In addition to Middle and High School Sunday School classes, we currently have a co-ed youth group that meets every other week.

Children's Ministry

Children’s Ministry at Heritage is meant to teach our children the essentials of the Christian faith in a way that is age-appropriate and fun. In addition to Sunday School, our H.M.S. Kids Club meets bi-monthly for fellowship, crafts, and catechism instruction. 

Women's Ministry

Women’s Ministry at Heritage is meant to help connect women in the church to the Gospel and one another. The women in the church have ongoing studies and occasional fellowship gatherings for all the women at Heritage.